I don’t have much experience regarding the care of the dead because the two funerals I attended, I was too young to really know what was going on. In class we discussed some of the religious rituals that take place at funerals. Some of these include giving a eulogy, singing songs, and mourning the death of loved one. I have always wondered why we mourn for death when we know that everyone is going to die someday. My mom has told my siblings and I that when she dies she wants it to be a celebration not a sad event because death brings new life. Most of my family members are Christian so we believe that when you die you physical body is no longer part of your spiritual body, and while your physical body remains in the grave your spiritual body leaves to either heaven or hell.
What makes people choose cremation over burial? Who takes care of the dead? These are some of the questions that I would like to have answered by the end of this unit. I am interested in learning about people that work in mortuaries and some of their philosophies about the care of the dead. I am also interested in learning about people’s different opinions about what happens in the afterlife and what different religious groups believe about the after life. The care of the dead is very similar to death because everyone dies but not everyone lives.
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