Monday, January 3, 2011

HW 28 - re: HW 27

For Leah,
I liked how you connected the visit if your grandmother, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, to the book “My brother”, by Jamaica Kincaid. Your connection is meaningful because you connected the fact that you had not seen your grandmother in several years, to the feelings or resentment Jamaica faced after visiting her brother who was sick and suffering from AIDS. I also liked how you mentioned a way you were different because while Jamaica felt some dislike towards her own culture and its people, you embrace your family and accept that they all have faults. You don’t reject them for their illnesses if anything you accept them more. I really like this personal account of your visit to your grandmother.

For Michelle,
I liked how you mentioned an actual account of your friend being sick and it was sweet that you brought her some chicken soup. I also liked how you talked about the fact that we separate ourselves from sick people, I guess its because we don’t want to be tied down with the very sickness they have. So we isolate the sick and hope they get better. It was also interesting that you mentioned that there are things in our lives we take advantage of, there are people with worse situations than us. I agree because no matter how bad our situation may be there is always someone who has much less than the things we were blessed with. I also agree that we should begin to think about the things that are most important in our lives, not materialistic things but those things that matter the most. I really enjoyed reading this account of your friend who was suffering from a fever.


From Leah,
The best part of what you wrote that i liked is when you compared a person who worked in meat market compared to a person who works in a mattress store and the disadvantages the person had. I thought that was very interesting. Another thing was how you had an opening sentence to introduce what we were about to read. "When someone is diagnosed with an illness their main priority consists of them taking medicine and other treatments to keep the illness down."I thought that it was a good attention grabber especially about sickness and dying. :)

From Michelle,
The line that resonated with me on the ill was, " It may also be embarrassing because as you get older you may want your independence and being dependent on people does not make you feel very self-sufficient." When I see people who are ill like my sister in law's father who always wants to do things by himself but unfortunately recently had a stroke so during that time he had to lean on others and for him and for many other people is embarassing and even undignififing. A line that made me feel ashamed of myself and I'm sure it does for many is that, " Instead of complaining about things and wondering why this has happened to her, she doesn’t let this illness become her." because we (healthy people) complain for littlest issues and like raven's person who is ill doesn't complain when she has serious health problems.

From Berenise: Older Reader (Friend)
When I Read this the first thing that came up was how when we are saved we deal with an illness, Sin. Sin can bring us down and harm us. But our doctor is God and our medicine is reading the word, praying, and fasting. For us to have faith and hope we have to look at the bigger picture which is that our time on earth is only for a while.

The lady you speak of seems like she won't allow for her illness to bring her down and she will fight as long as she can. People like her I admire because they are strong no matter what they are going through. Great Job.

From Angela: Younger Reader (Friend)
What I liked was that how you compared a person who worked in a meat market and a person who worked in a matters store.

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