Tuesday, January 18, 2011

HW 32-Comments 3

For Leah:
I really enjoyed reading your blog because it was an interesting account of patients in the nursing home. It is true that most patients don’t get enough visitors and I could never imagine being lonely in a nursing home without getting visits from my family and friends. It is also true that we would rather leave someone in the care of a stranger rather than actually taking care of the person yourself. I know that it may be difficult to decide whether to leave a family member in a nursing home but at the end of the day I will probably decide to take care of that family member the same way they took care of me time, and time again. I really enjoyed reading your blog :)

For Michelle:
I think your blog post was really interesting because I never really thought about what goes on behind closed doors in nursing homes. I do feel that some nurses are used to having to deal with old, cranky patients but I only believe they are cranky because they are people too and they have emotions, so how would you feel if you never received any visitors? I liked that you also included statistical evidence to support the idea that there are certain types of neglect a patient may face in a nursing home. Even despite some of these facts why do people send their relatives to nursing homes? The answer is simple, because we would rather have a stranger take care of someone than ourselves, we have lives, we need to look after ourselves, let alone someone else. I enjoyed reading your blog :)

From Michelle,
I enjoyed your blog and elevator speech because having this disease affected a family member of yours so it gave you more perspective on this illness. My family fortunately has not but I have several family members who are affected by high blood pressure so felt a connection while reading your blog. The diet the people who are diagnosed with diabetes the way you describe seems exhausting and stressful. Does it make for a shorter life span? Can it leave for other complications? well good job!

From Leah,
Your opening sentence was a good grabber. I can relate alot to your post because i know a lot of people who had diabetes which made me more engaged in the post. I liked how you referred back to your own family history to what you want to do in the future to prevent yourself from getting diabetes. One thing that stood out to me was when you said "When people are diagnosed with an illness their illness becomes them", i thought that was very bold. People become their illness, i never thought of it like that. Overall your post was enjoyable and keep posting!

From Berenise (Older Reader)
WOW!! Diabetes. This is a tough one but I can relate. As a side job I baby-sit two girls and one of them, a 4 year old girl named Elizabeth has diabetes. Seeing all the stuff she and her family goes through in a couple of hours is hard to grasp. Her mother has to control everything she eats, and maintain a balanced schedule. I am so thankful for technology. The monitor monitors everything; it keeps track of her blood sugar. It records whether or not it is too high or too low, and it makes a noise to alert you. The monitor also calculates how much insulin should be given according to the carbs intake. As me being the outsider it is very hard, watching her go through it. It is hard for me to do the blood check because it hurts her and she cries. My heart goes out to everyone, children and adults with diabetes, fighting a good fight.

From Angela (Younger Reader):
I like the way you said the kids would get diabetes of they don't change their eating habits.

2 Additional Comments

For Casey,
I really liked your post and it was cool that using a text from class, gave you the idea to conduct a survey about our ideas of being remembered and death. I liked how you said, " I learned from this project that teenaged males are probably more afraid of death than teenaged females are, and thus live in more misery." Using the survey you created you were able to draw that conclusion so you had evidence to support it. In some ways I agree with the conclusions you made because some people fear death because they fell that they have not made a sufficient impact on society. I really enjoyed reading your blog because it was creative, interesting, and informative.

For Sarah L.,
I really enjoyed your blog because you incorporated your ideas and feelings about death and connected it to the death of your grandfather, due to Alzheimer’s. I liked the line, "We should come to terms with reality and accept the fact that we are all going to die." This line is very true because we are all going to die someday and this is one of the many things people fear, its death. You also talked about the process he went through while living with Alzheimer’s and as you said I can't imagine my life changing that drastically. I am so thankful that I am healthy because there are so many sick people that are not receiving proper care.

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