Monday, December 20, 2010

HW 25 - Response to Sicko


Even if you have insurance we still can't afford proper healthcare. In the United States health care industries before considering a candidate for healthcare insurance, workers look for any pre-existing conditions so they can be denied health care insurance. These requirements are set when considering a candidate for healthcare insurance because denying people healthcare will maximize profits. When people traveled to other countries such as: France, Canada, or Britain, they found the health care industry to have some major changes than healthcare insurance in the United States. These drastic changes can be made equal if the United States decided to work together to create a new system of healthcare insurance.


1. While Bill Clinton was president, Hilary Clinton worked to create equal healthcare for everyone. As Hilary Clinton tried to expand this bill, more politicians began to go against it because there argument was that you don't want to have a bureacrat telling you how to treat your body. More people began to become fearful of this idea of socialized medicine so they spent over $100 million trying to defeat Hilary's healthcare plan. They succeeded in defeating the plan and Hilary wasn't allowed to talk about it for the rest of Bill Clinton's presidency. The issue of healthcare remained unimportant.


a. The healthcare system in Britain is very different from the system in the United States. As studies have shown," Even the poorest people in Britain are healthier than the richest people in the U.S." Based on this quote one can conclude that there are significantly higher rates among people from Britain and the people in the U.S. The healthcare system in Britain is very accessible and affordable for for everyone, and that's because it's free. According to a medical doctor, there is a new system in Britain where doctors are paid more based on how healthy their patients are. The money does come out of their taxes but they don't really have to pay out of pocket expenses for anything.

b. These pieces of evidence are important for supporting the thesis because it provides evidence to respond to some of the arguments Michael Moore developed throughout the film.

c. Read..

d. Britain's healthcare plan was always to create a healthcare system that is affordable for everyone. According to the New York Times article this new system would change $100 billion to $125 billion a year would be meted out to general practitioners, who would use the money to buy services from hospitals and other health care providers. The goal of this company is to reduce administrative costs by 45%. This new system would put more power in the hands of practitioners because they would have the right to choose who they want to associate with and such.

3. I found this movie very interesting because I never thought about the dark side of the healthcare system. There are groups of people that are ignored because they had health conditions that were made larger by health care workers, that were not important. This movie has shaped my perspective on illness & dying in our culture because most of the people who died in the movie had a possibility to be saved, they were just ignored by doctors and health care insurance people that didn't think it was that serious.

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