Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HW 56 - Culminating Project Comments

To Michelle,

I found your post very interesting because you focused on the way people in the Indian culture view death. I think the ceremony is interesting because it describes the way the body is cared for such as being covered in flowers, I do think in some ways this practice is similar to that in America because we do wash the body but there are differences int eh tradition based on religion. Do you think religion has an impact on the way traditions are adopted regarding death and the care of the dead?

To Megumi,

I think it's interesting that you chose to focus on the aspect of funeral homes and care of the dead rituals in New York. "A family undertaking" was an informative movie because it helped me to think about different options for the care of the dead rather than the traditional model that is dominant in our society. Good job.

To Ben,

I really think this paper is interesting. I think it's good that you focused on cadavers and the benefits and disadvantages of donating your organs to science. I liked the line: "Although some people may think that this is a very important procedure, the reality is that most people probably did not imagine their bodies being used for the beautification of others rather than helping the living with actual medical issues or conditions." Do you think that in the end it really matters what happens to the human body after death? (I mean yes it's important to respect the dead but what if someone needs organs the dead person has?)

To Stephanie,

I think your video was very creative and interesting and I was also interested in the different perspectives about what people believe happens after death. I think people don't think about death very often and that is why they are sometimes surprised when asked questions about death.


From Mom,

I found this video very interesting because I have honestly never thought about death in this sense. I may not ever decide how I would like to be buried but I have thought about some social norms that exist in our society based on the care of the dead. Many of those rituals have to do with someone's religion because there are certain principles and requirements. There are also different opinions about the after life based on religion. I enjoyed watching this project good job.

From Angela,

I liked your video it was very creative and made me more interested in this aspect of death. Young children are shielded from death because our parent's don't know what to tell us or they are afraid that we will keep asking them questions but it is important to be informed about death. Good Job.

From Megumi,

I really enjoyed the video and I found each intereviewee's answers interesting and unique. I think you did a great job with your video and I especially found the idea of our social norm of making a big deal of caring for someone after they have passed away very true. I thought not having consent before using a body for organ donations was disrespectful, but after hearing one of the interviewees I found myself convinced that regardless, people should donate their bodies after death to serve a purpose before decaying to the ground. Overall though, good job!

From David,

Though the video wasn't posted yet I still found your presentation and project interesting. I really liked that you found alternative point of views from other people on their thoughts about death. From what Melanie said I've tried to think the same way about what happens to my body when I die but I would always worry about it. Just knowing that if you're buried there would be bugs (something I dislike a lot) all over me and if I got a memorial reef I there would be litter in the water from boats on my ashes. Also do you think how people are raised affects their views on death and care for the dead?

From Ben,

One of the things I really enjoyed about your video is that it touched on the idea that funerals often seem awkward to many people, but otherwise they are almost always a time where families unite in mourning. I have experienced this same feeling of unity at a funeral, which is probably why I found the idea so interesting. I also liked how our societies obvious paranoia when it comes to preserving the body was exposed by your video, and your post did a very good job of touching on almost all of the ways of caring for the dead that I am aware of. Nice work!

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